Peter Kelly is one of the leading agricultural scientists in the world, and has started a novel advocacy, research, and policy non-profit Grow Further. It is focused on creating a food secure world. They engage farmers, scientists, and individuals in participatory innovation for global food security and sustainable agriculture. Their members come from different backgrounds, but we all come eager to learn from each other, invest in the future of food, support scientists with overlooked ideas, and help small-scale farmers.

In this interview, Peter and I talk about the technologies that can innovate our food industry and feed over 7 billion people (and counting), the challenges of scientific advocacy, and what the future of sustainable development is. Learn more about his personal journey and the inspiration that led him to build Grow Further.

Key Highlights:

[00:01 – 11:20] – Opening segment

Dr. Rusha introduces Peter!

Whether or not there is a crisis situation with food supply

What contributes to food insecurity?

Climate change

Water shortage

Soil degradation


[11:21 – 37:58] – 

Current food distribution system

Viable innovative solution

Vertical farming

Technological innovations of Kelly’s organization

Testing indigenous veterinary herbs

Building a movement for food security

[37:59 – 37:45] – 

The cost associated with tillage and developing perennial wheat crops

Partnering with nonprofit organizations

The current state of food in America

Plant-based meats

The role of livestock moving forward

[37:46 – 53:21] – Closing Segment

Peter’s organization is open to collaboration with others, and encourages listeners to visit !

Connect with Peter Kelly at:


LinkedIn: Peter Kelly


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Tweetable Quotes:

Peter Kelly- “There is a path forward. our strategy at grow further is to focus on innovations that are relevant to smallholder farmers and to other disadvantaged populations.”

Peter Kelly- “Success would mean higher incomes for farmers. It would mean better nutrition, both for farmers and for consumers. And it would mean more stable yields, even in the face of a changing climate.”

Dr. Rusha Modi – “We can innovate despite our shortcomings as a species, and that has saved us before.”

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